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my heart-felt thanks

Started by Toki Bloodaxe, July 04, 2011, 06:41:42 PM

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Toki Bloodaxe

    I just want to thank Capt. Spleen, Blushing, Sir Garath and all of the others (If I haven't mentioned your name it is because I don't know the specifics involved) who put forward so much effort to make the 2011 Rendezvous here in Colorado such a great one! Lady Delaney and I had a great time and I think a lot of other people did, too. This was really one of the first times that I got to meet a large, diverse group of people from the other Faires. It was great! I hope that they all had a great time at our little Faire. Mimosas in the morning are great, as is Loki in the afternoon!
    I am not sure who my Romanceer Ball dance partner was...but, thank you so much for the little glass owl! The owl is a personal totem of mine and I just love the figurine. The two burgundy leather roses are also wonderful! I wore mine on my hat because the heat in the parking lot Sunday morning caused both pins to come off the roses, and the rose for for my Lady Delaney came unglued from the heat. If you were there in that parking lot Sunday, you know what I am talking about. Lady Delaney and I are working on fixing the roses, though, and will have them together. Mine is going to go on a new outfit that I am designing for next year. Lady Delaney is going to put hers on her favor sash. Thankyou, though, for the kind gifts. I like anything leather, just ask Delaney about that.
    Also, what about some Colorado Loki reciepes? The Loki from out of state that I tried was all great. We need to come up with some of our own formulas around here.  Lady Delaney and I drank her White Elephant gift this morning. I was superb! Thanks, Spleen.  Oh, yeah. Queen Elizabeth makes space suits! That is about the most amazing thing that I have heard in a long time! Huzzah!!

Marietta Graziella

Toki, I was your dance parnter.  I'm so sorry... I was unaware that you were leaving before cannon, forgetting that you had a long drive ahead of you.  I had one more item for you, as my "reveal" gift.   I found the lovely owl at the Denver zoo, a much better alternative to the one that I had found in MN.  I'm so glad you like it.  I'm very sad that the heat took it's tool on those rose pins.  The sun was brutal in that parking lot.  I made them since they fulfilled a couple of your "likes".  Burgundy, rose, something leather.  :-)

I hope the gifts brightened your weekend.
Nothing clever to say here.  Not enough caffine yet.

Capt Spleen

"Queen Elizabeth makes space suits."

to clarify.....That would be Syrilla, on the boards.....

Toki Bloodaxe

   Yes, but "Queen Elizabeth makes space suits" sounds so much better. And, besides, it gives me an idea for a story....

Ian Maxwell

I also would like to thank everyone that participated, I had a wonderful time. Capt Spleen and Blushing and Sir Garath did an awesome job of arranging everything. HUZZAH. And it was a pleasure meeting everyone from elsewhere. And as I told MG, she is much more beautiful in person than her avatar conveys. Trish and Tanda and both Merlins (elder and younger) the Elfwines and Wheatie (and his fine Lady) were wonderful as well. If I've failed to mention anyone, you are not forgotten. Thank you one and all, it was a wonderful weekend. Thank you.

Ian Maxwell

Toki Bloodaxe

  It was great mtalking with you, too, Ian.  Huzzah!

Merlin the Elder

When I get home, I'll post a more appropriate message...I find an iPad a little cumbersome for posting...but for now, let it be known that I am very grateful to all for an amazingly fun weekend. Like the old song says, "Even the bad times were good." Hugs to all, the ladies get a tighter hug!  :-*
Living life in the slow lane
ROoL #116; the Jack of Daniels; AARP #7; SS# 000-00-0013
I've upped my standards. Now, up yours.
...and may all your babies be born naked...

Amras Elfwine

To echo the elder mage...I too shall offer a better testament to the efforts of our Colorado hosts upon return (much too soon, I fear)  to the Chesapeake...Todd's tail gets int he way on this tiny screen...he's so nosy...
R/F member since 2004
"They say that men who go warring afield look ever to the next hope of food and of drink." ~Tolkien

"Who are you callin' plushy??" ~ Todd the Squirrel

Francisco Paula

You all are welcome but my part was so small compared to what Blushing and Capt Spleen did, they are the true organizers for this shindig.

Gauwyn of Bracknell

A simple ditto to all that has been and will be said.
Born 500 years late

Gauwyn of Bracknell


Lovely to meet everyone, and I'm sorry I did not have more of a chance to enjoy the faire with all of you. Glad you made it and I hope you all have safe travels to your homeland when the time comes.

Y'all come back now, ya hear?
Capitaine Zoë D'Arcachon
Elizabeth Covington
Fritzie the Fairy

Edmund Howard

I will also offer a hearty HUZZAH! to Capt. Spleen, Blushing for organizing everything, Sir Garath for the pictures, and to everyone who traveled from afar to visit out humble abode.  We missed some of the festivities between personal issues Saturday AM and feeling crummy on Sunday.  Not even a hangover, which would have been tolerable!  It was great to finally meet folks face to face.  We look forward to trying to attend next year's Ren-dezvous.

Lady Spicer

Lord Spicer and I felt so welcomed by all of you as well as by the court of Colorado.  Looks like we are invited to spend 2 weekends if we can next year... meaning a whole week in between for activities and to get to know more folks from the area!

Our specific thanks to Capn Spleen for the mixer drawing and to Blushing for providing herself as entertainment the mornings of festival!

Love you all!
Kimberly and Greg Grandprey
Lady "Cinnamon" Spicer
Baroness of Worchester
Kimberly Grandprey
MN Renaissance Court

Merlin the Elder

Now that we're safely back in Arkansas, I can say what I want to say...
It's always enjoyable to visit with my fellow Scarbites, and this was no exception. My "son" Merlin (the Younger) and I had some fun playing off of each other. It seems one of you—I forget now who it was—was embarrassed because she thought we really are father and son.  Don't be embarrassed at all! You are not the only one! (If it makes you feel better, Spleen thought the same thing!) The truth is, up until this weekend, I hardly knew Merlin—had spoken a few times at Scarby—so this was a good chance to get to know him and his family better. Lady Kett and Sidekick...what a fun couple! I actually got a chance to speak to Al-Nimer and CowGrrl for a change.

We spent a lot of time with Wheatie and Mrs Wheatie. Nim and I totally enjoyed their company!  I hope they feel the same.

The Minnesota Maidens, Trish and MG, were an absolute joy! Those two know how to party! They give nice hugs to old wizards, too...thanks! I needed those. :-*

There were a few people that I don't think I ever got to meet, unfortunately. I should have put together a scorecard (hey, there's an idea for the next RenDezvous). Adriana Rose, Mistress Charlotte, Hey-Arent You (?), Demetrius(?), Lavender, Blaze, Aurelia and Anwyn... It's possible I was in their presence at some point, but I didn't hear their names. So sorry. Nim and I both have hearing problems...

William of Ware, thanks for listening to my memorializing my dad. Hope I didn't bore you. When you told me you were USAF, you opened the door!  ;)

Butch, I'm not sure what to say... ::)  ;)

Lady de Laney & Toki, it was indeed a pleasure to meet you, and look forward to seeing you again.

I'm so bad with names, and I hope I don't leave anyone out!  But, Amras, Lord Gauwyn, Tanda, Sir Ironhead, Kariuss (and pre-Kariuss, Jeremiah), Lord & Lady Spicer...thanks for the memories!

And the other locals: Ian Maxwell (I'll send a stream of positive energies your way), Zöe (hubba-hubba!), Baron and Baroness (such a cute young couple!), thank you for your hospitality!  Oh! And the Queen who came to the photo shoot Saturday evening and welcomed us all! Awesome!

Blushing, Captain Spleen and Garath... What is there left to say? Just this:

Garath, you sacrificed your fun to photo-document the occasion, and that was a generous thing to do.  Thank you so much!

Blushing, you were just so sweet! I wanted to take you home with me, but Nim put her foot down...I think only two toes were actually broken... I hope you're satisfied that you are responsible for us having a wonderful vacation! Lots of hugs to you!

Spleen, I figured, after meeting you at the Oklahoma Ren Fest, that we would be in for it when we showed up in Colorado. I was right. I'm sure you're glad the weekend is over and you can relax, but I know that you and Blushing went through a lot to make this all happen. I wish we'd had a little more stamina to get around and stay around (we had to bail early on Sunday), it does tend to slow you down a little when you hit 60, or in my case, 1060.  I do hope that we get a chance to enjoy many more faires with you! You are a pleasure, good sir!

I feel like I've made lasting friends with you, and everyone else that we spent time with this past weekend. Our hosts made it happen, but all of you made it worthwhile. To each of you, a great big
Thank You!
Living life in the slow lane
ROoL #116; the Jack of Daniels; AARP #7; SS# 000-00-0013
I've upped my standards. Now, up yours.
...and may all your babies be born naked...

Lady Kett

Thank you to everyone for a great time. I'm especially thankful for you photographers who make it possible for me to take very few pictures but have a wonderful photo album available to show off to others!!!

Hey Butch, you're absolutely the nicest stalker I've ever met, LOL! (Everywhere I turned, there was Butch!)

Spleen & Blushing - awesome job! Don't forget you need to add a CoRF '11 to the banner and deliver it to next year's!

Many hugs to all of you and hope to see you again soon.