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Started by Hey- Arent You?, September 08, 2008, 02:33:59 PM

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I don't think she meant the term "wrong" as offensive, as if to say that they are not good enough to play the parts, but rather's not the "right" person we would expect to see in the costume, as we are used to it being worn by the Henry VIII that we know at CO. 

Damn that internet for not portraying connotation...
Capitaine Zoë D'Arcachon
Elizabeth Covington
Fritzie the Fairy


Quote from: Professor M on September 16, 2008, 11:17:16 PM
Quote from: Aislynn on September 09, 2008, 07:03:43 PM
I get the weirdest deja vu's looking at those pictures... Some of it is exactly like Colorado, like the front gate, and then there is the same clothes with the wrong people in them, and then there are things that are very different... like all that grass! 

I do have to say their cobble stones look much flatter and more comfortable than ours...
The clothes have different people in them, but they are not the wrong people.  Our Henry VIII is a fine actor who has been with the Pittsburgh faire for many years, and he plays the role as well, if not better, than any I have seen.  Our Queen Anne is absolutely fabulous, and anyone who meets her is instantly charmed by her.  They are the right people to be wearing those clothes.

Goodness, this was not what I meant at all...  And I wasn't even meaning the King or Queen, it was other clothing I recognized.  Relax, we're sister faires, we have your backs. ;)

Terry Griffith

Quote from: Aislynn on September 17, 2008, 10:24:32 PM

Goodness, this was not what I meant at all...  And I wasn't even meaning the King or Queen, it was other clothing I recognized.  Relax, we're sister faires, we have your backs. ;)
You'll have to excuse the good Professor.  What you don't know is that there were several remarks made that our cast did not look as professional as the Colorado cast.  The remarks were made by people who really were not aware of the workings of either cast and before our season actually started.  I am not on the street cast but I am very proud of them.  They have stepped up under adversity and in spite of a feeling of being the step child of a well established faire.  The truth is, our faire has always been blessed with talent because our city is very supportive of all the arts.  Our universities are famous throughout the country for providing actors, musicians and technical support for theater arts.  We have an over abundance of professional to chose from because of the many art, theater and performance events that have become an integral part of our city and we are very proud of that.  Our beloved faire has been infused with an attitude that because it failed in 2006, it must have been due to a lack of professionalism.  That's just not true.  If our faire succeeds, and it is succeeding marvelously, it will be due to the talent of our cast and musicians that have always been here.

You can see why they are defensive about comments made about our cast.  I have only witnessed 2 other faires and I have to say that our cast is far, far superior.  They are very much a family that is dedicated to what they do and, despite what we stage acts like to believe, they are the heart and sole of our faire.  Because they actually feel like a family, they will defend each other with an enthusiasm that few other faires enjoy or understand.
"There's a unicorn that's hangin' in what's known as father's room......"

The Professor

I'm just... VERY glad... that I locked down 'The Professor' here!  Hello to you, Pittsburgh Prof, we should compare notes!  How long have you been a wandering academic?  I'd be curious (and gratified) to know if I inspired someone, directly or indirectly, or do adequate minds think alike, or... ?

Anyway, I pray for those of us from Larkspurshire in Pittsburgh every night, and wish you all all the best.  I met your King and Queen during their visit and found them pleasant, courteous people, eager to learn and a lot of fun.  Nothing but good will toward you all on this end.

And I have a cooler hat!   8)


Professor M

Quote from: Zoë on September 17, 2008, 12:48:51 PM
I don't think she meant the term "wrong" as offensive, as if to say that they are not good enough to play the parts, but rather's not the "right" person we would expect to see in the costume, as we are used to it being worn by the Henry VIII that we know at CO. 

Damn that internet for not portraying connotation...

It's funny how some of you think I misunderstood the meaning, and yet you may also have misunderstood me.  Look again.  Nowhere do you see me saying I am offended, yet you assume I am.  Let me clarify right now that I am not, in any way, shape, or form, offended by your comments.  English is a very rich language, and it is common enough to say something is wrong when perhaps you mean "different" or "unusual."  I was simply giving my fellow cast members the honor and respect they deserve.  You are welcome to do the same, or not, as you deem appropriate.

I look forward to the day when I am able to visit your faire and experience all of the wonderful things that make it unique, as well as meet so many of you that I've corresponded with over the years.  And I hope that many of you can someday visit us.  Personally, I think we all work with the right people, and I am thankful for it.
"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me."
~ C.S. Lewis

Professor M

Quote from: The Professor on September 19, 2008, 11:50:23 PM
I'm just... VERY glad... that I locked down 'The Professor' here!  Hello to you, Pittsburgh Prof, we should compare notes!  How long have you been a wandering academic?  I'd be curious (and gratified) to know if I inspired someone, directly or indirectly, or do adequate minds think alike, or... ?

And I have a cooler hat!   8)

Fellow academic,
I am sorry that I can not credit you with inspiring me, but I would be most gratified to, as you say, compare notes.  I've had a bit of an evolution to become the man I am now, but I've been playing the part since 2004.  At that time, under our former owners, we had fictional royalty but we were playing it as late Elizabethan.  Elizabeth I had, among her trusted advisors, a man named Dr. John Dee.  Our ED thought it would be amusing, since my real initials are MM, to create a fictional version of Dr. Dee, and call me Doctor M.  I wasn't sure about the name until the local wench act decided to pronounce it "Doctor MMmmmmmmmm!"  Then it stuck!

I liked the name well enough, but often people heard the term "doctor" and decided I was a physician.  I grew tired of being asked by patrons to look at sore bunyons and abnormal growths, so eventually I changed it to "Professor" for the sake of clarity.

And I am quite fond of my hat, as you are of yours.   ;)

I look forward to meeting you in person someday.
"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me."
~ C.S. Lewis

Professor M

Quote from: Terry Griffith on September 18, 2008, 09:12:05 AM
... they are the heart and sole of our faire...

You see what I mean!  He just described us as the bottom of a foot, or a flat fish!  Sole indeed!   :-*
"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me."
~ C.S. Lewis


Bouncy Bouncy *Thump*  OW!  Platt's Nose!


Capitaine Zoë D'Arcachon
Elizabeth Covington
Fritzie the Fairy