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Weight loss tips?

Started by Mairte, February 03, 2011, 05:26:16 PM

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The thing I heard about water is you take what you weigh and instead of pounds make that number ounces and cut it in half and you have the amount of water you should drink.
So if you weigh 160lbs you should have 80 ounces of water each day.


When I first heard it I was like....yeah oookay but I've tried it a couple times and it actually works pretty well if you do it all. It's also a good way to tell if you're really hungry or just food-lusting for something
The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on


I've been working on losing weight for the last couple of months (just about 10 pounds gone so far!) and it hasn't been too hard so far. My method has three parts:
1) Stop eating when I'm not longer hungry. Don't eat until I feel "full", that's too much food. Just stop when I'm not hungry. Seriously think "Do I really need this?" when contemplating a snack (and consider #3).
2) Exercise more. I was running but that's difficult to do outside in the cold, so I've been walking instead. I don't manage to get out every day, but I do walks of up to 7 miles and really enjoy them. The *only* thing that will make you lose weight is burning more calories than you take in, and while there are all sorts of ways to try to do that, that's what they all come down to. Walking burns (very roughly) 100 calories per mile.
3) Have a goal in mind all the time. And for me, a simple goal of xxx pounds hasn't really worked in the past, there needs to be more to it than that. In my case it's "I am going to look amazing in my Bellatrix costume I will make for the next Harry Potter movie" and I need to get to xxx weight to make that happen. My goal was to lose 30 lbs by then (now I'm hoping for 35, but 30 will be just fine as well)--just over a pound a week.


Good job Maggie, keep up the great work!!!!  :)
I am SO not a morning person (usually exercise about 1 or 2 in the afternoon) though during the warmer months usually take the dog for his morning walk around 5 or 6 am.(THEN go back to bed,lol)
I HAD to be up early this morninig though since my youngest son was stopping in so did a killer workout after he left. Yay! :)
Goals are a good thing. I have about three months until the next big family gathering and I want to look better.

Jade Sapphire Emerald

It's recommended that you do a workout when you are comfortable doing such. If you're not a morning person (no matter how much coffee you have) then dont work out then.

My issue is feeling like working out at all...
-Formerly Emerald Rogue-
-AKA Jaden Karr-


Yeah, thats about it here too,lol. But I figured since I was awake...anyway, its improved my mood for today. :)

iain robb

I got malaria and lost 20 pounds in one week. I don't recommend that, however.

But then in order to get back to health, I went to the basics: Eat right, drink a lot of water, and exercise.

I aim for five servings of fruits or vegetables a day, four servings of whole grains, three servings of protein, and one reasonable treat.

I exercise each weekday -- brisk walking for a half hour.

I was at 210 before I got malaria, and since then -- more than two years -- I've maintained 170-180.

It's one thing to get where you want. It takes consistency to stay there.


Drinking water is definately a biggie, but also cutting out sodas even if they are "diet".  Also, drinking hot tea before and after a meal helps it digest better.  Even little things like taking the stairs for one or two flights and getting up to get something instead of asking some else to do it can make a difference.
Got faerie dust?


As a Weight Watchers lifetime member I found the following things worked for me.

Eat smaller more frequent meals
Cut out empty calories from soda, sugary drinks and alcohol (sadly)
Watch portion sizes
Get some sort of daily aerobic activity even if it's cleaning your house/washing the car/yard work
Eat before you go out or to a party, you won't be hungry or tempted by bad food choices
If you really want something have just a little bit, it usually satisfies your craving and you don't feel deprived

I also find that the older I get, the more difficult it is to lose or maintain weight loss.  So it's important to stay motivated, even when you have setbacks.  If you slip up and drink 6 beers in one day so what?  You can start fresh the next day. 

So good luck and good for you Mairte! 



Its nice enough today that I think I will take a walk later this afternoon. I love being outside but after a while, winter defeats me.  :-\
I know they say lots of water and NO soda but when I saw a nutritionist, they said a can of diet/caffeine free was okay? I am going to cut it out anyway, just in case.
Gina, Trillium, iain robb, thanks for the input. (And iain robb, I will take your advice and NOT try to get malaria!  ;D )

Jade Sapphire Emerald

On the topic of alcohol...

In terms of weight loss: don't drink it.

In terms of health, including heart health...One to two glasses of red wine at night is very advantageous to the heart. Same goes for one or two bottles of beer. Shots, on the other hand, I would not recommend....only because sometimes when you start, there's no stopping.

If you live close to the store or anything, I find that walking to the store for those two or three items you need does wonders! You get the items you need, save money on gas, gotten a walk for the time being, and if you stick with a few things a day, you'll be able to walk every day (especially if you live alone and go to the store weekly, it works well if you space out what you buy in the five to seven day period.)
-Formerly Emerald Rogue-
-AKA Jaden Karr-


Yeah, I like to drink every once in a while, so know that is a load of calories. But since its only every now and then, I am going to give myself a pass on that,lol. Plus I have very low tolerance and a couple drinks has me over the edge.(My friends and family tease me about that all of the time!) At least I dont have to worry about over drinking. ;D
Not much for wine or beer.
Yes, in the warmer weather when I walk the dog, I pop into the kwik trip and get a tea or something. (He behaves well so they overlook it...I could leave him outside but then anyone tempted to touch him without me there would unfortunately probably be minus an arm.... :-\)
As said, I usually go about 5 or 6 am and then go back to sleep. :) Then again later in the evening. I DO walk him in the winter as well, we just dont go as far.

Lady Kett

I have no tips, but have been reading. I could use a few tips myself. But then I saw this and decided I must cross-post from the funny pics/images thread!

Quote from: ladybootlegger on February 04, 2011, 12:13:52 PM



Well, just a comment. Its getting easier (been doing this for a little while) so after the weekend I am going to increase exercise time and do a little of the more advanced. I guess its really the only way I am going to get there.