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Happy Holidays - or not?

Started by Lady Renee Buchanan, December 16, 2008, 06:36:46 PM

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I prefer "Happy Christmas." =D  But that's just the way we've always done it in my family.

In all seriousness, though, I say whatever comes out of my mouth at the time.  Sometimes it's Happy/Merry Christmas, sometimes it's Happy Holidays, going on and on, and when I'm feeling particularly retailed out, it's Happy Commercialmas!

I celebrate Christmas because that's what my family always did.  However, my belief system isn't necessarily the same as theirs anymore (I think all faith is valid, but that's a long and different topic), so the plan is have an all-inclusive celebration when we're back in a place of our own.  ^.^
Mischievous Little Imp.

Anna Iram

Renee, I'm curious. How do *you* greet others during the holiday season? How do you prefer to be greeted?


I'll respond usually with "I hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday."
But to me, it's really the sentiment that is more important. Whether you say Happy or Merry Christmas or whatever.
Still Meggers, just a little more grown up now. :)

Lady Renee Buchanan

Quote from: Anna Iram on December 17, 2008, 06:11:04 PM
Renee, I'm curious. How do *you* greet others during the holiday season? How do you prefer to be greeted?

Gosh, Anna, I didn't even realize I didn't answer my own question!  Sorry about that!

At work (I'm in Customer Service on the phone), I must say "Happy Holidays."  Then if someone says "Merry Christmas to you, too," then I say back to them "Merry Christmas."  Which is what I would have liked to say in the first place, but can't.

When I'm not at work, I say something on the order of "Merry Christmas, and if you celebrate a different holiday, best wishes of the season to you and yours."
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All will be well. St. Julian of Norwich

Rani Zemirah

I usually say "Enjoy your holidays!" to people I don't know well, but I use specific greetings depending on the person I'm addressing, and the particular holiday I know they celebrate.

Although I have had fun with the "Chrismachanukwanzika" line.  :D
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede


I always use Merry Christmas and if someone is of a different persuasion I add the appropriate greeting for that as well.
I HATE PC stuff!
My theory on wishing everyone a Merry Christmas is... regardless of your religious belief, I am basically wishing for you to have a good day. I am just stating which day I want to be good lol. I could as easily said Merry Thursday or Happy Friday and had the same thing is mind.
As for the ones who get all offended by it... seriously... Why? Why is it offensive to someone that I have a religion? Why is it bad for me to wish good tiding upon you?
I have had this arguement many times... And I will always stand up for my right to wish someone a Merry Christmas whether they want it or not lol.

FYI... Funny story. The Lovely Lady Trinn and I were checking out of Target last year when the young lass at the counter wished us a Merry Christmas. I Looked her dead in the eye and with as straight a face as possible told her I was Jewish. I thought she would have a melt down trying to apologize before I let her off the hook.
Evil? Perhaps... but evil is kinda fun

*That could be why Santa didn't bring my rum that year...*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"


Quote from: x0x_teach_x0x on December 18, 2008, 11:17:09 AM
FYI... Funny story. The Lovely Lady Trinn and I were checking out of Target last year when the young lass at the counter wished us a Merry Christmas. I Looked her dead in the eye and with as straight a face as possible told her I was Jewish. I thought she would have a melt down trying to apologize before I let her off the hook.
Evil? Perhaps... but evil is kinda fun

*That could be why Santa didn't bring my rum that year...*

ROFL thats good.  It's fun to add humor to things of this nature as well as others.

I would agree about that not being the reason Santa brought you rum though.  You might wanna be better this year :)
May the stars always shine upon you and yours.

Royal Order of Landsharks Guppy # 98 :)


I normally say Happy Yuletide till the 22nd then say Merry Christmas. 
Beware of him that is slow to anger: He is angry for something, and will not be pleased for nothing.
Benjamin Franklin

Queen Bonnie

 How about have a cool yule? 
I am not feeling very jolly right now- but I try.
  How about have a Bah Humbug? LOL! Just joking. Going on a  quest to find my holiday spirits. 
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!


My family was Jehovah's Witnesses, so I really didn't get any chance to really get attached to the holiday season. At holiday parties at school, and when they'd do holiday activities or plays, I'd have to sit it out in the office, or in another classroom. I wasn't even allowed to be near the stuff. Later in life, my mother "strayed" and we started celebrating Christmas. We never really got that sense of holiday spirit or family, or seasons fuzzies or whatever.

Then we adopted Festivus.....

To answer the question, I mostly say "Happy Christmahanukwanzafestivus", and laugh at them as I walk away, knowing that they have no CLUE what I just said.

Blaidd Drwg


  ??? Starting to wonder if anyone has ever tried to say "Happy Christmahanukwanzafestivus", 5 times fast.  ;D
May the stars always shine upon you and yours.

Royal Order of Landsharks Guppy # 98 :)


i myself am jewish, but do not profess to make others believe my beliefs. most jews dont.

but merry christmas does not bother me. as a matter of fact, i rather enjoy christmas, the time of the year, the decorations, the foods, the smells, sights, sounds, the attitudes. one of the best times of the whole year, no doubt. i dont enjoy looking at things associated with the nativity.

not sure if most of you have noticed, but the all out attacks on public displays during december have pretty much went away. i think those that were attacking that, were attacking the manner the decor was done in. you want decor up in december, fine. a tree. lights, shiny things. greenery. but not a manger scene.

shalom chanukah, is my preferred greeting. however, i say merry christmas just as easily, and accept it just as easily.

happy holidays!!!


I'm a lifelong-atheist-slowly-turning-pagan (figure that one out) and I have no problems saying or being greeted with Merry Christmas.  A lot of times I'll say Happy Holidays just as an inclusion of Christmas and New Year's together.  It makes not a smidgen of difference to me!  :)
Capitaine Zoë D'Arcachon
Elizabeth Covington
Fritzie the Fairy


Well buying a home, new appliances, that's plenty of Christmas gifts.

But for the most part, we are forgoing the holiday this year due to my physical situation.

Sometime in January (as soon as I get approved) I will be having major back surgery. Part of my vertebrae has grown to the point of almost severing my spinal cord. Makes walking and standing difficult and the pain is horrendous and I'm on pain meds most of the time now.
Trying to be happy is something that's just not really happening right now.... :-\
Being Blond means I have the right to walk into any wall.

Joyce "Delfinia DuSwallow" Howard

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LandShark #71
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