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Pick a Faire-related movie

Started by Valiss, July 16, 2008, 04:02:21 PM

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Jack Daw at Work

Since no one mentioned "Excalibre", I will.  It's a bit dated, but it's also good.  This was one of Liam Neesen's first roles and Patrick Stewart is in it as well.
Steve "Jack Daw" McIntyre

"The honour the Sleat Carpenter still preserved for his descendants."


Quote from: unilady on July 17, 2008, 09:29:42 PM
Ladyhawke - the cinematography, the music, the story, and who can for get Matthew Broderick demonstrating how to speak in BBBBBFA   ;D



I watched Ladyhawke last night after seing all these recommendations here- such a touching story, enjoyed it very much, great suggestion..
Then, I decided to pick at which movies Rutger Hauer ( forgive my spelling) starred and stumbled upon "Blood+Flesh" movie.. I would recommend it  as well so people would know that medeival times were not all chivalry and pretty dresses ( there is plenty of that in the movie) but fights, plague.. Needless to say I went to sleep at like 3 am..


Yennefer von Vengerberg


Ah, yes!  "Flesh & Blood"!  I have to say that one of the reasons I originally rented this one is that it was featured in a Playboy "Sex in the Cinema" article.   ::)  I guess that's my warning to those with who are tempted to watch this one - if the sight of naked people loving each other is not your cup of tea, do NOT see this movie.  Suffice it to say, however, I now own a copy of the DVD.  Not only am I not offended by that sort of activity, this is a heck of a movie with a good story, great costumes and settings, and even with all of the twists and turns, it does end happily!

"It's not the gold that sets our sails, 'tis freedom and the promise of a better life that raises our black flags."


Yah, it is definitely M rated movie.. Aside from all the nudity and stuff, great love story! very attractive cast ( Omg younger Rutger Hauer omgomgomgomg and Jennifer Jason Lee omgomgomg). Not  something to watch with your kids so beware :)
Yennefer von Vengerberg

Poldugarian Warrior

Flesh and Blood I'd say is the most realistic of medieval/renaissance tales. Very Mature though. One move though not mentioned I don't think, and basically for humor,but gives ddea of faire humor, and costumes is Robin Hood Men in Tights. And not to mention the two other Robin Hood films, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves with Kevin Costner, for alright costumes, good story even if not held to the ballads. And Robin Hood starring Uma Thurman as Maid Marian, this is the better of the two since it has better costumes more like period and the story line holds more closely to the ballads.


Of course, I've always thought the scene in "The Adventures of Robin Hood," where Errol Flynn and company are hosting Basil and Olivia in a great feast would make a fine representation of what a fun RenFaire is supposed to be like.  And I do agree that the wedding festival scene in "Braveheart" is very RenFaire-ish . . . until the moment that the Englishman shows up to claim primae noctis.  If something like that ever happened at any RenFaire that I had attended then Stirling Bridge would have happened a lot sooner!

Alba Gu Brath!
"It's not the gold that sets our sails, 'tis freedom and the promise of a better life that raises our black flags."

Poldugarian Warrior

Jack Daw at Work

Be relieved b/c it never existed.
Steve "Jack Daw" McIntyre

"The honour the Sleat Carpenter still preserved for his descendants."


Watched " The other Boleyn girl" movie the other night- great costumes, enjoyed  movie alot ( must admit, even cried at the end)
Yennefer von Vengerberg

brier patch charlie

There's nothing wrong with Primae Noctis, as long as it's not your wife, unless your into that kind of thing. Not to be judgemental or anything, some people might be into that kind of thing. :o
Charles Coleman

Poldugarian Warrior

I'm not judging those people. I was looking at it from the point of a husband, and a Scotsman whom is rebelling against a rival ruling class whom wouldn't enjoy that sort of thing, but if you do, that's your thing.
And back to our regular program.....


I'd have to say The Princess Bride for the fantasy/swashbuckling aspect, Danny Kaye's The Court Jester for the sheer ren silliness, and Dangerous Beauty for a taste of wit, flirtation, and gorgeous costuming.
Humans need fantasy to be human, to be the place where the fallen angel meets the rising ape. Terry Pratchett


I was going to vote for Dangerous Beauty-
And maybe Casanova
Scaramouche (older movie)

Jack Daw at Work

Scaramouche has Stewart Granger in it?
Steve "Jack Daw" McIntyre

"The honour the Sleat Carpenter still preserved for his descendants."


Quote from: Jack Daw at Work on February 12, 2009, 10:31:23 AM
Scaramouche has Stewart Granger in it?

The 1952 version of it does.  It has the longest swordfight on film, over 7 minutes of screen timeforget S.W. RotS.  to many break aways).   Some of the descriptions in S.Grangers autobiograpy on the making of that film with particular emphasis on the two duels he had in the film were absolutely comical.  For example he mentions the fact that, in one practice session the he and Mel Ferrer had for the final duel, Mel was a comsumate ladies man and while it was just practice they would draw a rather large lot of on-lookers, one of which was a rather well endowed young starlet and at the moment that Mel was supossed to raise his sword to fend of a head cut, his attention was drawn to this young lady and his blade missed and Stewart sliced Ferrers eye lid forcing a 2 week halt to the filming.
Ancient swordsman/royalty
Have Crown/Sword Will Travel