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Groups fight abortion for 11-year-old Romanian Girl, who was raped by her uncle,

Started by Luciana, June 26, 2008, 03:05:52 PM

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It should be her choice. She did not choose this to happen to her, she's not even old enough to have chosen. She will have to deal with the trauma this has caused the rest of her life. Why add to it with a child that could very well come with physical problems because of the relationship. I pray she will get the abortion and the counseling she needs to be a survivor of rape and incest.
Don't forget to smell the roses, but watch out for the thorns!


I wonder how those people who are insisting that the pregnancy go forward would feel if one or both of them died in childbirth?
It a very high probabbility with a mother that young.
Will they say "It was God's will"?
Or will they just shrug their shoulders and say "Oh well, she was just a girl, nobody important".
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


I saw in the paper yesterday that she is being allowed to go to Britain where the procedure may be performed up to 24 weeks and that she has a relative there that will pay for it.
Landshark # 97
Member, Phoenix Risen

Whistler Fred

I find this very sad.  No matter how justifiable this is, and I think under these circumstances it is the best of several bad alternatives, it still means one life lost and another deeply traumatized.  I hope and pray that the 11 year old finds healing and peace, and continue to hope that the man responsible for this evil is held accountable.
Whistler Fred (Lauritzen)

"Get ready for the Whistler.  I'll whistle along on the seventh day."  Ian Anderson

Lady Christina de Pond

well i agree with Cobalt that baby she carries is a life and to abort it would be murdering a innocent. I pitty her and her uncle needs to be found and punished. If she's not ready to be a mother then why not her parents raise the baby or give it up for adoption i know many people who want kids but can't have them. 
Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari


Lady Christina, no offence but at 11 years old she's for sure NOT READY to be a mother, and I say that as a mother of a 12 year old.
Gypsy Fur Trader
Ette,Divine Oracle

My goal in life is to be as good of a person
as my dog thinks I am.


seconded @ luciana. besides, wouldn't it be really physically unhealthy for an 11 year old to birth a child?
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Quote from: theChuck on July 01, 2008, 07:55:10 AM
seconded @ luciana. besides, wouldn't it be really physically unhealthy for an 11 year old to birth a child?

The probability is very high that one or both of them would not survive the pregnancy according to the White Ribbon Alliance for safe motherhood.
I think her chances of surviving a train wreck would actually be higher.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


Quote from: Cobaltblu on June 26, 2008, 03:31:20 PM
When exactly does a mass of cells turn into a living human being?  Who knows.  However we know life begins at least at 6 months or so of pregnancy with the above logic.  Life undoubtedly begins sometime earlier after conception.

I just happened to read an interesting point from the theological aspect of the individual and the soul, and thought I'ld toss it out there to make people go "Hmmm...?"

A zygote supposedly can divide into identical twins up until it is around about 14 days old. For people who believe life begins at conception, that would mean either:
-the original soul (whatever a soul may or may not be) of identical twins divides into two?
-or, somehow there were two souls in that cluster of cells from the moment of conception?
-or the individual "soul" enters/develops in the physical being sometime after that point?

Norman Ford, a moral philosopher and Salesian  ( ) Catholic Priest, makes the argument that "person-hood" cannot begin until after twinning is no longer possible.

I ran across that tidbit in this interesting book:
When you die can you donate your body to pseudo-science?


Life in an orphanage is not easy. The rate of adoption in Romania is smaller than in United States and also Romania is a closed country, meaning international adoptions are not possible. Life will not be easy in for that baby. And I do not talk from the point of view of somebody who just heard about it, but from the point of view of somebody who saw the orphanages first hand. I'm coming from Romania and my best friend's mother used to work in one, taking care of the one and two year old. We used to go and visit her at work.
Gypsy Fur Trader
Ette,Divine Oracle

My goal in life is to be as good of a person
as my dog thinks I am.


Quote from: Noble Dreg on June 26, 2008, 10:22:49 PM
Since we brought abortion to the R/F community how 'bout another topic...the Death Penalty.  I say shoot the uncle, worthless piece he is.  Wonder what, if any punishment he will receive?
Quote from: Arsinoe Selene on June 28, 2008, 07:45:28 PM
Oh, and on the death penalty thing, shoot the bugger. @$$. Child molesters, abusers (spouse, child, whatever), and animal abusers get shot. NLo sympathy for them here.

Just wanted to say that this is the homeland of Vlad the Impaler. They can get WAY more inventive than shooting someone when they want to.


A.K.A. - Lady Serenas husband

Arsinoe Selene

Yeah, so can I, but it was the fist thing that came to mind. ;)

Flay his skin off, drawn and quarted, impaling of course, slowly remove all his skin while he watches, castration with a brick is always nice...


On the death penalty I know a lot of people think it cruel and unusual punishment, but weren't the people that committed the crime cruel? But only if it's 100% that it was that person. I know some will say that if perhaps if he was abused as a child that it started a cycle. I don't believe that, you still know what is right and wrong. I speak from a survivors view. Even though I got counseling for the crime committed on me as a child it still changes the rest of your life. If I had never gotten counseling I still would not have done the same to another. Until now I thought the punishment should be befitting the crime. Something worse than shooting or a needle, but I would not wish anyone to have to be the "flayer, or impaler or such" nor would I want the person who's mind set to be able to that to be around either. I do know as a parent that if the same happened to my child I would want the death penalty. I would not want to spend my tax dollars on housing and feeding this animal for life.
Don't forget to smell the roses, but watch out for the thorns!

Lord Figaro

No punishment would be good enough for that "thing" of a man. I've always been partial to a slide with razor blades, ending up in a vat of vinegar.
Those who do not remember their past are condemned to repeat their mistakes.

George Santayana


When people say the death penalty is not a deterrent to crime, I usually refer to the oft quoted
hangman in Victorian London, "I can say I've never had anyone up here twice."
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess