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Weight loss tips?

Started by Mairte, February 03, 2011, 05:26:16 PM

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I dont really care for gatorade so thats not a problem.
I know I need to eat more in the morning but I have been having water and a HUGE Braeburn apple. Once I get used to that, I will add something else. I sometimes wonder if my lack of appetite in the morning is related to my weird sleeping habits.
Yeah, I kind of thought the hunger thing was protein related. I did pick up some beef jerky today and chicken.
One of the things I have had a craving for is raw almonds. I have never craved that before so thinking its something directly related on how I am eating. I did pick up a bag today. I always heard they were "fatty''. :-\

Hausfrau Monica

Almonds are very very good for you...the fat in them is a good fat and they also have win win. 

Cravings are inexplicable.  I had a craving for a real Italian veal sandwich but I got the taste without the extra carbs and fat by only eating half of the bun and all of the meat.  Now I am craving beer battered fish and chips so I need to find a healthy way to enjoy that.  If I make it at home then I can control so many of the factors....a good quality fish, a fresh light coat of tempura batter, pure canola oil (which is healthier than the deep fryer crap) and make baked wedgie fries in the oven.  Same taste sensation....better nutrition.


Good to know about the almonds!!! Thanks. :)
I also get salt cravings but usually satisfy those with different kinds of herbs that are better for me. It doesnt always work!
Baked wedgie fries that satisify the beer battered fish/chips craving? I am familiar with canola oil, but what is tempura batter?
Sounds like a recipe I need to try!

Jade Sapphire Emerald

Cravings aside...

Something I forgot is meal planning!

I had a friend who was monitoring her weight and she planned her meals in two week intervals. Generally lunch and dinner meals. It worked well for her. She had a folder that had the recipes of her favorite meals, the nutritional information (if findable) of the recipes, and what she would make for lunch and dinner for a two week period. If something was large to make, she would have it marked for leftover lunch for the next day.

It's a tad OCD, but it works...You don't need to do two weeks. Just a week ahead works too. Vary it up. It helps, as well, in knowing exactly what to buy from the store when you have a list of what you'll be making.
-Formerly Emerald Rogue-
-AKA Jaden Karr-


Something taht I pointed out to my hubby last night...
If you use your local cable provider and they have an on-demand library, check for exercise programs.  Ours has a plethora a various types, most are 30 min or less and gives you a variety of types of exercise to keep you interested and your body working harder.
Got faerie dust?


The wii fit and associated games work great, the games are fun while giving you a good workout at the same time. For those who do not feel comfortable going to gyms, I highly recommend it.
Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices. - Voltaire


Quote from: crashbot on February 13, 2011, 02:35:51 PM
The wii fit and associated games work great, the games are fun while giving you a good workout at the same time. For those who do not feel comfortable going to gyms, I highly recommend it.

Agreed.  Comfort and time and money all play a factor.  Oh, anf the fooking cold!   :D


The new kinect system for xbox is lots of fun also.  That was our xmas gift.  We have a blast and you don't even realize your exercising. and you don't have to hold anything or strap anything on
Got faerie dust?


Lost about 20, gained back 8, IN A WEEK!  Thats one major thing you have to watch out for, the "I did a good job I can have these...and these...and these...and these-"
The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on


Quote from: Becky10 on February 14, 2011, 11:46:19 AM
Lost about 20, gained back 8, IN A WEEK!  Thats one major thing you have to watch out for, the "I did a good job I can have these...and these...and these...and these-"

Yup.  You have to remember that it is a lifestyle change and an addition to break.  Allowing yourself to indulge is not much different from a smoker or other addict saying 'I have not [whatever] for a week, so I earned one.'  Doesn't really work that way.  It is not ad rigid as I am implying, but it should be much more the rule than the exception.

You are doing great!  Keep at it.  I believe in you.

I found that the last 10 pounds was a lot more difficult than the first 10 pounds.   :-\


Rewards only come after goals are met and then only in moderation.

My wife and I have 1 day a week that we go out to eat. Even then we split the meal and are right back on our planned meals the next day and rest of the week.

You have to realize that if you are going to indulge one day, on a vacation, or a party, that you need to reign it back in as soon as that period is over.  \

Example, we went to NOLA for 4 days and I'll be damned if I am not going to enjoy some good food. I gain a few while on vacation, but they drop right off as soon as I am back. I have a comfort zone, if I notice I am getting close to the high end of it, I cut back a little on my meals and work out a little more until I am back in safe zone.

It is a lifestyle change.
Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices. - Voltaire

Merlin the Elder

Bingo, Crashbot... Lifestyle Change.
Living life in the slow lane
ROoL #116; the Jack of Daniels; AARP #7; SS# 000-00-0013
I've upped my standards. Now, up yours.
...and may all your babies be born naked...


Should have planned on changing my life AFTER my teenage years. ;D
Luckily I seem to top off at 122 and it'll take alot before I go over that. I ended up at like 130 which is when I went decided to be slightly more adult as to what I eat. Trying.
The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on


122#-130# sounds like a great range, unless you are 4' tall or 6' tall.  Then you might have a problem.  At your current weight, you could switch to more strength training with light weights or resistance bands to build more lean muscle.  Lean muscle is useful in burning fat and preventing fat build-up.  Your weight may temporarily spike as the muscle is built and the fat begins to be processed.  Fear not, BUT continue the path or you might stall out with more muscle and more fat.  It's called 'the hump.'  Once you are over it, you are in the clear.  If you keep to your diet, your body will lose those cravings and make the liftstyle easier.


I have really found all of these tips to be a great thing. :)  Lifestyle change is right!! I practiced self control at the grocery today but it wasnt easy!!!!! That said, all of this makes me feel better.