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Middlefaire - near Hillsboro, Texas

Started by DonaCatalina, June 11, 2008, 06:39:56 AM

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Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


Ahoy, me friends!

The Medieval weekend of Middlefaire was indeed an excellent time!  Many old friends were reacquainted with and many new friends were made.  The weekend was profitable for the Adventure and it is with great hope that we look forward to the coming weekend, the final weekend of Middlefaire 2009 – THE PIRATE INVASION!

"Pirate's Alley" and "Blackbead's" took a heavy dose of wind and rain damage during the week between the first two weekends of Middlefaire.  We had taken all of our stock away with us but much the "office box" took a direct hit.  It's the plastic tub that we put all of our office supplies in, things like scissors, pens, things to write on, a surge protector for when we travel with the laptop, price tags, etc.

There was at least four inches of rainwater in it.

Sails were torn down or loose, one of my posts was moving in the water-soaked ground, and the baby mosquitoes were everywhere!  But, we put the rigging back in proper order, threw all the dead fish overboard, and we were ready for action by Saturday morning!

On Saturday, it actually got crowded in me booth a few times!  Lots and lots of people, to include a large percentage that had never been to a Faire before, were out at the Faire, having a great time, and enjoying some excellent weather, some fantastic shows, and great food!

This coming weekend, there will be a "Grand Rat Pucking Tournament" that will be open to the public if you wish to participate.  There will be a pirate battle with cannon and musket fire, sword fights, and the Blue Moon Boucanniers storming one of the Faire buildings!  So come on out and enjoy the Faire! 

See you this weekend!


PS:  M'Lady Donna Catalina, It were truly a pleasure to have ye visit me shop and spend a few moments conversing with this old seadog.  I hope to see ye again soon!  BB
"It's not the gold that sets our sails, 'tis freedom and the promise of a better life that raises our black flags."


Laird Marcus and I had originally planned on coming down this past Saturday (Sept. 26), but decided we'd rather wait till the final Saturday, since the weather is supposed to be cooler then.  I hate that we missed Dona Catalina and Don Juan, though!  Still, this weekend will give us a chance to renew acquaintances with Capt. Emerald and the Ladies of the Salty Kiss, which is good!  To get ready for Pirate Invasion, I am reading a pirate novel this week, and I am working on pirate garb for meself.  Laird Marcus is quite fond of wearin' the kilt, so I'm not sure about "piratically" garbing him.  (Do any pirates out there wear kilts?)  My usual persona is a Scottish lady, but she does have in her backstory a brother who turned pirate, and there are rumors that in Lady Morna's youth, she sailed a few times with her brother under the name of Mad Molly the Red...

Lady Morna
Mistress of Conundrum Castle, Wife of Sir Marcas McLaren, and Lady-in-Waiting to two royal housecats

Emerald Shaunassey

Quote from: LadyMorna on September 28, 2009, 10:36:20 AM
Laird Marcus and I had originally planned on coming down this past Saturday (Sept. 26), but decided we'd rather wait till the final Saturday, since the weather is supposed to be cooler then.  I hate that we missed Dona Catalina and Don Juan, though!  Still, this weekend will give us a chance to renew acquaintances with Capt. Emerald and the Ladies of the Salty Kiss, which is good!  To get ready for Pirate Invasion, I am reading a pirate novel this week, and I am working on pirate garb for meself.  Laird Marcus is quite fond of wearin' the kilt, so I'm not sure about "piratically" garbing him.  (Do any pirates out there wear kilts?)  My usual persona is a Scottish lady, but she does have in her backstory a brother who turned pirate, and there are rumors that in Lady Morna's youth, she sailed a few times with her brother under the name of Mad Molly the Red...

Lady Morna

Lady Morna,
     Twill be grand indeed to see you and Laird Marcus once more - it has been far to long since last I clapped eyes on the twain o' ye!  Ooo!  pirates in kilts??  I cannae recall ever seeing a pirate lad in a kilt but ... I am a'thinking it would no be a bad idea ... espeically if'n said pirate lad was fair bonny ... and climbing up in the rigging o' m' ship ... and I were standing on the deck .... gazing heavenward to enjoy all wha' the Grand and Goode Laird hath given unto so humble a lass as ... I.   ;)   Verra, verra, verra bonny thoughts indeed ....

     To meet Mad Molly the Red would be a grande thing as well .... mayhap that shall come about.  We shall see by this week's end, aye?

Until next our paths do cross ... be well and safe.

IWG #979, IFRP #569, RMG # 614, Bard # 171.
Creator, Owner, & Manager of Williams Entertainment: Home of The Ladies of the Salty Kiss, The Shanty Lasses, Native Souls, & Grand Lake Renaissance Festival.


Braw and bonny pirate lads in kilts..lovely thought indeed, Cap'n Emerald, especially when they're up in the Crow's Nest, or tendin' the sails! 

Mad Molly the, Lady Morna
Mistress of Conundrum Castle, Wife of Sir Marcas McLaren, and Lady-in-Waiting to two royal housecats


Quote from: LadyMorna on September 28, 2009, 10:36:20 AM
Laird Marcus and I had originally planned on coming down this past Saturday (Sept. 26), but decided we'd rather wait till the final Saturday, since the weather is supposed to be cooler then.  I hate that we missed Dona Catalina and Don Juan, though!  Still, this weekend will give us a chance to renew acquaintances with Capt. Emerald and the Ladies of the Salty Kiss, which is good!  To get ready for Pirate Invasion, I am reading a pirate novel this week, and I am working on pirate garb for meself.  Laird Marcus is quite fond of wearin' the kilt, so I'm not sure about "piratically" garbing him.  (Do any pirates out there wear kilts?)  My usual persona is a Scottish lady, but she does have in her backstory a brother who turned pirate, and there are rumors that in Lady Morna's youth, she sailed a few times with her brother under the name of Mad Molly the Red...

Lady Morna

Well I'm sorry we missed you too. But there is always Scarby up ahead.
Thw Wharf stage had entertainment pretty much all day so there was no time to be bored.  ;D
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


Quote from: DonaCatalina on September 27, 2009, 04:22:34 PM
We had a blast!
Sorry we missed you and Don Juan...we did make it out Sunday afternoon for a few hours, mainly so Cowgrrl could do some much needed shopping :)  DS & I saw the jousting & we all saw Stonehenj.  Hopefully I'll get a few pictures of these posted soon.  We had a good time even if the time was short.

Blackbead, it was a pleasure to see you again (as always) and visit for a spell.  Your hospitality truly is the stuff of legends!  I really enjoyed listening to your CD A Night at Devil's Tavern on the way home :)  Haven't gotten to your brother's CD yet, but what I heard him play on yours was pretty good!  You do have a reason to be proud of him  ;D
"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" - Adam, Mythbusters


Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.


I have my set from Sunday uploaded at:

They're mostly from the first joust, because my batteries died & the spares were dead as well  :-\
It was really nice getting to talk to Dustin & Kristen from Four Winds @ the Joust!
"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" - Adam, Mythbusters


There are many places where compromise is expected;
LOYALTY is not amongst them.


Quote from: Al-Nimer on September 29, 2009, 11:21:29 PM
I have my set from Sunday uploaded at:

They're mostly from the first joust, because my batteries died & the spares were dead as well  :-\
It was really nice getting to talk to Dustin & Kristen from Four Winds @ the Joust!

Don't you just hate it when the batteries do that to you. At least you were able to get a good set of the
Joust before the batteries gave out. Thanks for posting.
Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.


 :o Well, my birthday party is a wash now, since I got word from a friend who vends at Middlefaire that the festival is washed out for tomorrow! If you were planning on heading out to close it, well, you missed your opportunity, just like I did  :( :'(
IWG 3450
The ORIGINAL Pipe Wench
Wench @ Large #2
Resident Scottish Gypsy
Royal Aromatherapist


Ah, me friends, what a weekend!  Until the rains set in, all was better than well.  Lots of people; many friends, old and new; the Brotherhood show on Saturday morning was the best attended so far; and customers were filling me shop!  Then, in a mere moments, we went from a wonderful sunny day to a vicious downpour that had us walking water up to our ankles in the booth.

"Sounds 'faire' to me," you say?

Aye, it does, and some of the best times were had when everything was covered with tarps and the beer came out in force and the lovelies came in to sit and listen to our extemporaneous show, and we all fought together to save our skins (tarps) and our wares!  We made it home (although we still need to get back and pick up the remnants of the booth) and have already started drying out table coverings and stock, getting ready for the next faire - Pirate Days in The Colony, October 17-18.

The rain WILL end.  My table coverings WILL dry out and I'll replace the ruined boxes.  The t-shirts that got wet will dry (and go on sale!)  But faire and the faire experience never ends.  We pick ourselves up, wipe off the mud, hop in the shower (with a friend whenever possible!) and start all over again!

See you up on Lake Lewisville in two weeks!
"It's not the gold that sets our sails, 'tis freedom and the promise of a better life that raises our black flags."


I'm sorry to hear that closing got rained out, but we can also look forward to next year.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


I know its a ways off but is anyone here on the forum going to this faire this year?
Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.