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Started by WaywardWench, February 20, 2009, 01:22:25 PM

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Have an excellent weekend. We, okay, I, of the northern shire will be thinking totally jealous thoughts as we continue in the cold with an Alberta Clipper coming this way.

Mommy Reminder:
Remember to HYDRATE
Remember sunscreen
Remember to HYDRATE
Remember to eat
Did I mention.....Remember to HYDRATE... with Water not soda and alcohol

If you pass Her Majesty and she is not otherwise busy with affairs of State, citizens of the Realm or visitors to the shire, please catch her eye and include her in a toast by lifting a glass, tankard or other drinking vessel, sending compliments from her most loyal subject, the Countess of Featherington.


Fionna O'Leary, the Wayward Wench
"There is a reason Instigator and Enabler is in my signature line."
  aka Lady Katheryn Pia Cox, Countess of Featherington,
  aka Mistress Nellie Sutton, goodwyfe of HollyGrove (new in 2009)

Katie Bookwench

Ah, yes.... a toast to Lady F -- though I have missives from Lady Featherington's maid, Mistress Nellie that tell me she is quite well.

Her room in the Tower is very comfortable and luxurious. She has a good view of the green.

You needn't worry after her, Your Majesty. :-)

Mistress Katheryn O'Connell
Hollygrove Library
(sometimes Lavenham and an occasional holiday in London)
Katie O'Connell - Hollygrove Library
(aka The Bookwench)
Licensed Wench - IWG Local 57

Madge Estes

Live so your dreams recognize you.

Katie Bookwench

Good to hear! A Toast to her Majesty, Queen Katherine. May she reign long and love much!

Funny that.....know you, it seems so many attendees and companions of Lady Featherington tend to drink a lot.... .

perhaps it be her dry sense of humour. ah yes, that must be it.  ;D

Katie O'Connell - Hollygrove Library
(aka The Bookwench)
Licensed Wench - IWG Local 57


Aye, surin' ye are drinkin', my fair MadgeEstes. It musta been powerful water (wink), it took ye nigh on two days to recover from imbibing and reply. Its not like ye had anything to be doin' since the gates of Fiddleworth opened.

(Running swiftly this way====>)

And ye, Mistress O'Connel, yer words be sweet yet sharp with unspoken meanings that prick me to the soul. Be ye careful the most gracious Queen does not again send ye to be companion to the Countess. To sleep in the Tower as much as ye are reported to have done in the harem apartments could prove hazardous to thine owne health.

Katie Bookwench

Quote: And ye, Mistress O'Connel, yer words be sweet yet sharp with unspoken meanings that prick me to the soul. Be ye careful the most gracious Queen does not again send ye to be companion to the Countess. To sleep in the Tower as much as ye are reported to have done in the harem apartments could prove hazardous to thine owne health.

/blink blink

Well, strike me pink - I had no idea she could read!

Katie O'Connell - Hollygrove Library
(aka The Bookwench)
Licensed Wench - IWG Local 57

Madge Estes

Aye, my dear Wayward Wench, nothing to do at all.  An absolute life of idleness!
Live so your dreams recognize you.

Lady Maud

Quote from: Madge Estes on February 24, 2009, 07:40:49 PM
I'm drinking...!

Mostly!   ::)

She's also eating .... as long as we keep her talking!

Great Big Hugs for Fionna (and all of her aliases)!


 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Yummy! I love hugs. Thank you Lady Maud.
11 Days and you can do that in person!
Not that I'm counting or anything.
Mischief? Mayhem? Fun? Frolic?
You have to catch me at it to prove it.

Anna Iram we have a WayWard Wench heading our way? I won't be at faire that Saturday, but I look forward to meeting you Sunday of your visit. :) Not that there's any Michief or Mayhem to be had here...oh no...

Katie Bookwench

Quote from: WaywardWench on March 10, 2009, 09:55:04 AM
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Mischief? Mayhem? Fun? Frolic?
You have to catch me at it to prove it.

Now THAT sounds like a challenge if I've ever heard one!

Katie O'Connell - Hollygrove Library
(aka The Bookwench)
Licensed Wench - IWG Local 57

Madge Estes

<<snert>> What would a wayward wench know about mischief and mayhem?  <<ducks and runs>>
Live so your dreams recognize you.

Lady Maud

Quote from: WaywardWench on March 10, 2009, 09:55:04 AM
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Yummy! I love hugs. Thank you Lady Maud.
11 Days and you can do that in person!
Not that I'm counting or anything.
Mischief? Mayhem? Fun? Frolic?
You have to catch me at it to prove it.

11 Days!!!  *Maud doing her happy dance*  (Note the color change just for you, Wayward!)

I'm looking forward to the roystering that His Majesty always mentions!


Quote from: Madge Estes on March 10, 2009, 03:35:32 PM
<<snert>> What would a wayward wench know about mischief and mayhem?  <<ducks and runs>>

(best Sargeant Schultz impression) I know nothing.....nothing....

I head south to progress at the same and to be tutored by the Tudors.

wide eyed innocence *blinkblink*


Quote from: Lady Maud on March 10, 2009, 04:39:47 PM

I'm looking forward to the roystering that His Majesty always mentions!

You will have to explain this or show me an example, my Lady.