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Come Out and Support Empty Hats

Started by Celtic_Fae, February 04, 2009, 06:55:41 PM

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Princess Christine 2.0

OH!!! A surprise!!! I hope its empty hats and wine and alchemy!! cause this would make the princess mosted pleased.

as far as local cast goes, they hardly get anything besides comp tickets for their friends and family and the joy of being at fair. even thou... 6 weeks rehersal and 7 weeks of show. I think the most they might get is what i think i heard $200. I think its sad. Like I have said before I wish that someone who actually was a ren fair lover would by this guy out. unless i am wrong and he is a lover, but the actions seem to point to ummm no.

I mean yes the economy is in the dumper, but this has been going on for years with this man.
and the ticket prices are still the same, the rent from what i know is the same. so why are you cutting their pay??? you think you wont have as much money coming in this year. You would be surprised, cause its cheaper then disney and universal. so alot of this kinda stuff is becoming the family outings.

I say Fair pay for Faire *great* performers!!!
Im not bad im just drawn that way!

Squire Mickey

Tis similar to the situation of my boyhood home in Sterling, NY. The faire there has been greatly expanded by new ownership who has raised prices and has spent FORTUNES on advertising.

This promotion has been a great success in bringing in HORDES of people. Unfortunately the grounds have not been expanded, the parking lot has ONE entrance and it took us a hour and a half to get a parking spot. Most of the new visitors are not playtrons and few where in garb. I NEVER saw a SINGLE cast member. Seriously, not one.

It made me VERY sad actually. It was the faire of my childhood, where I first took my wife on one of our first dates (and she still went out with me after!)

BARF is a very quaint and charming faire with a great cast, good performances, and fabulous playtrons.  I would hate to see it loose its "soul" and hope that it doesn't

So says I, I do.
Mickey Flint, Esquire
First Mate, The Harbinger
Landshark #107
IFRP #1473
Clan M'Crack P.E.T.
Captain, Ithilean Ran

Anna Iram

Indeed! We have an awesome cast and really one of the most interactive casts I've seen in my, admitedly limited,  travels.


Just as a reporter of the latest EH news:

From Lynda Kavy:
hello again fans and friends,it has come to our attention that an eager
fan(who only had the best intentions) has asked you all to be
benefactors for our time at BARF.we would
never ever ask you to support us in any financial way! never! we are so
sorry for any misunderstanding.we have ever only asked for your support
in a loving way ,not a financial way.and we never ever will!we only
want to be at faire and
have you enjoy our music and antics as usual.please please don't feel
any obligation other than to laugh and applaud and have fun!!!!looking
forward to
seeing you all very very soon!

Princess Christine 2.0

See I dont mind tipping the performers, cause I know its going towards them directly.
I hope all works out and that they will be there!!!

NEXT WEEKEND PEOPLE!! WOOOT!! *happy princess hoopskirt dance*
Im not bad im just drawn that way!

Madge Estes

<Madge steps up on her soapbox>

First of all, let me say sorry for not being on the boards for awhile, but I've been extremely busy.

Secondly, let me say that the rumor mill has been busy, and a lot of things are being tossed around here that are only partly true.  It was said that "half the acts I wanted to see aren't even going to be there the whole run."  We have worked very hard this year to ensure that the acts booked this year are there for the entire run, or at least as often as they usually are (like the Tortugas being there only for last weekend).  At this writing, every act from last year is returning but two, and that may yet change.  Pirate Tales performed for the first time last year as a filler, and may yet be brought back.

This "nimrod" has been part of the BARF cast for over 10 years and the Michigan cast for 9 years, and is now the Entertainment Manager for BARF.  We are working as hard as we can in a down-turned economy to give our patrons a great show with excellent entertainment.  What you've "heard" about this affecting local cast is not true.  We have our village in place, with almost everyone you are accustomed to seeing.  If they are not part of cast this year, it is because of their personal issues, not our lack of desire to have them there.

Please consider before spreading rumor and gossip.  Most of the time it is incorrect and only causes bad feelings and resentment.  If you'd like to know anything about the entertainment at BARF, I will be happy to answer your questions.  You can reach me at the BARF office 813-983-0111, most days after 12noon.

Thank you.  <Madge now steps off her soapbox>
Live so your dreams recognize you.

Squire Mickey

I have to say that I think that having the entertainment switching up during the run of the fair (while I know makes the STAFF's life ten times harder) can be seen as a good thing as well.

I plan on being at the fair at least 4 or 5 weekends and will be working my calendar to see all of the various acts. The variety is "the spice of life" after all. I love that each weekend will bring new adventures!
Mickey Flint, Esquire
First Mate, The Harbinger
Landshark #107
IFRP #1473
Clan M'Crack P.E.T.
Captain, Ithilean Ran

Madge Estes

LOL!  Just goes to show ya that everyone has their opinion and that ya can't please all the people all the time! ;-)

Quote from: Squire Mickey on February 12, 2009, 10:43:55 AM
I have to say that I think that having the entertainment switching up during the run of the fair (while I know makes the STAFF's life ten times harder) can be seen as a good thing as well.
Live so your dreams recognize you.

Squire Mickey

Quote from: Madge Estes on February 12, 2009, 11:16:22 AM
LOL!  Just goes to show ya that everyone has their opinion and that ya can't please all the people all the time! ;-)

I like to make lemonade when I can!
Mickey Flint, Esquire
First Mate, The Harbinger
Landshark #107
IFRP #1473
Clan M'Crack P.E.T.
Captain, Ithilean Ran

Princess Christine 2.0

I know the cast works hard!! I meant no disrespect at all!
I cant even image trying to set entertainment for BARF, also with another fair running back to back with barf.
I admire the cast, for the many hours they put in even before the show opens. I know you care about the faire very very much.
I can see it when you are out on the lanes. I thank you for all the time you put into Barf.

As far as my comment goes above. I have heard alot of people who have had issues with owner of this faire.
thats where my comment comes from. Not anyone on cast or the management at barf at all. Sorry if i sounded like a whinie Princess!
Im not bad im just drawn that way!


Quote from: PercyBlakeney on February 10, 2009, 10:10:16 PM
That's  not a excuse

The  gate prices are still the Same   and they cut the pay of the  Acts raise  the price of the royal feast..I'm sure  other things are going to go up in  price...As some one   who  has been coming to the fair since before it was Barf I'm extremely disappointed  I was planing  on getting a seasons  pass this  Year for entire  family there is five  of Us...but with Half the Acts  that  I wanted to See aren't  even going to be their the whole run I'm seriously reconsidering coming more then once this year (I  really wan to to come for the Italian week end i love a good Masquerade)

I think My biggest  disappointment is the news i just got that Pirate tales wont be back. I love them I saw them at Barf for the first time last year and went to some other events that they were playing at just to hear them,,,,, every show I saw  then play at  the Benches were packed and the audience's were really into the show....

Also Not to  go on about my concerns  about this   whats going on with BARF
But I also Heard  that this  also  effecting the local  Cast ....I mean what  on earth is these nimrods  from Minnesota  or Michagan (or where ever the main office if) thinking .....What  would happen if we lost our Locals Like the King the the queen and their Court.. The holy Roman Emperor the Spanish Queesnthe Blackheathes  the Mummers  the peasent Dancers  the Mayor and his Family the Germans and everyone else that  has been  to make  the Town  come real
and not some sort  of  Strip mall for over priced  leather armor and cheesy pointy Lady in waiting  hats....Or maybe  that's what  they want...well  they may have lost one Very Loyal  customer

Percy (love the name btw. My character name is taken as a derivative from Marguerite's, as well as the fact that the hubby wanted a name close to my real one so taht he could remember it! LOL), I do believe that Madge has addressed most of your concerns in regards to the acts at show.
We hope that you come out to visit.
Stop by and see us "Jolly Germans on Holiday" at the Embassy of the Holy Roman Empire! ;-)