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Happy Birthday Capt Spleen!!

Started by Demetrius, September 19, 2008, 09:17:56 AM

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Have a great birthday this weekend!!
Truth teller of exceptional proportion...
Proud to be a part of the Colorado Renaissance Festival...


Happy Birthday!!!

Hope you have a fabulous day!!

A Captains Wench

It's always Beer:30 here....

*sigh* So many kilts, so little time......


Hey- Arent You?


DanSeanDungeonDane.......     HAIL!

*Raising a Tankard*

   Happy Everyday!
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing"
~Edmund Burke

Capt Gabriela Fullpepper

Have a Happy Birthday Capt Spleen (AKA Sean) Enjoy Santa Fe and Eat some good Mexican food for Toki and I while you are down there.
"The Metal Maiden"
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody e


Huzzah and Happy Birthday to Capt.Spleen.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"


Hip hip huzzah!   ;D

Enjoy your natal day, and have a glorious weekend!
~All human activity lies within the artist's scope~


Happy Birthday darlin! *HUGTACKLE*  ;D
TaskMistress of the Bayou Scoundrel's
Fae'N M'Crack... or at least working on it.
Rani's Divine Whip



*hands over a Maltov Mudslide wrapped in a tiny cardboard box as a gift*
Blaidd Drwg


Happy Birfday Cap'n Spleen.
Happy Birfday Cap'n Spleen....

Hippo Birdie Two Ewe.
o/` I'm a little teapot...o/` No, I'm not, that would be silly. ::)


Professor M

Good Heavens!  I almost missed the Captain's birthday!

Best wishes, my friend.  May you have many more such days, and good friends to celebrate them.
"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me."
~ C.S. Lewis


On Saturday I announced it to about half the fair in Santa Fe, including the King and Queen.  He was a bit grumpy with me after that.  ;) :D
Capitaine Zoë D'Arcachon
Elizabeth Covington
Fritzie the Fairy

Capt Spleen

Wellz 'ellz baeellz!!!

*CaptSpleen rides in on an 'ippo, with a new birdie parrot on 'is shoulder an two ewe on a leash in one hand, an a small cardboard box in the other*

Thanks der Demetrius (Ye knowz ye gotz wun kumin up yarrrselv, an we beez th' same scurvy adge) an ye tooz sweet pied (Muffin), fer a letin' ALL knowz I be a turnin' Scurvyier t'ards death [Saber] juz likzez curdled milk in th' sun fer a long tyme! AYE! Scurvier beez a gud thyng fer a pirate!!!

I liksez th' tinkerin' thinkin' O' Hey-Arent You byz way o raisin' a tank ter 'appy e'erday!

de Laney, knowz dis, dat we didz indeed findz ourselves a HOT-N-Firey authentic plaze dat sent me silver tongue the color o blood, and the temp of Volcanic, and dat wered be'd just the salza!!!!

lordwriothl - I don knowz who da 'ell ye-arrr, but tanks all der zame!

Blushin' - 2 Hipzes and Huzzah fer natalism an it be a glorious day an weekend indeed, Enjoyzed at the Firzt Annual Santa Fe Ren Faire. Wut elze wit conquerin' dat plaze an fer a goodly caustic cauze!

*........Bowled o'er by da Fairfly's surprise hugtackle........CaptSpleen recovers to open his eyes*
" Ello luv, beenz too long "
* Pulls 'er t'ards em An  gives 'er a SMACK on the lips, with a scurvy grin, an a devilish laugh *

"Tanks fer da zoo Tanda! Jus wut I alzways wunted...... Somday i might jus buildz meselv an Ark!"

"Saber, Tanks fer da death sentiments. It allz beez a prozess O' life it dooz be!"

"Perfezzor M! Wuz good t' seez ye 'gain in whenst I I meanz, vizited Morelandshire most rezently! Zeems deemed I have zum gud friendz  right 'ere!"

"An t' me Lil lozt Pirate Capitain Zoe! Zure I weretbe Grumpy! Ye gave up me Cavalier disguise t' th' King an Queen. Th' nexzt day me had t' be a looki' o'er me shoulder e'ery moment.
Ztill, twere be gud t' 'ave ye in me sights an all on me, as Tanda would put it,......Birfday!
"Let's see wuts in dis er tiny box from Blue66669 (da zipcodezd Noble of K'zar and apprentice)"
*  As he opens it....... " A malotov mudslide......... A MALOTOV MUDSLIDE!!!! ZOUNDS!" as he throws it away just in tyme *


"Ah Bleu66669, Ye knowz I likzez a good loud boom on me birthday. Better than candles!!!"

Capt Gabriela Fullpepper

Ya'z be bus'n me spleen thar Cap'n wif zar pozzen you be mak'n thar.

Tha'll teac'h ya to be invad'n lands far south r har, and not be drink'n thar good rum wen et'in on thar peep'rz
"The Metal Maiden"
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody e


Quote from: Capt Spleen on September 23, 2008, 03:51:50 PM

"An t' me Lil lozt Pirate Capitain Zoe! Zure I weretbe Grumpy! Ye gave up me Cavalier disguise t' th' King an Queen. Th' nexzt day me had t' be a looki' o'er me shoulder e'ery moment.

Lotta good eet deed you!  We still were arrested on Sunday!  Though, I eemaginee eet was all Jack's fault...zat ruffian.
Capitaine Zoë D'Arcachon
Elizabeth Covington
Fritzie the Fairy