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2012 GLMF Dates

Started by SirMichael, September 23, 2011, 09:40:49 AM

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Please note the 2012 dates have been posted along with the weekend themes for 2012 on the GLMF web site.

Theme Weekends 2012 
July 7-8 - Fun, Fire, and Fantasy:
Come celebrate our Opening Weekend by honoring the child in all of us! Enjoy our Fairy Kingdom, Special Entertainment, Fantastic Music, Glorious Food, and Fun Games! Let your Fantasy come alive - Faerie wings abound!
July 14-15 - TBA:

July 21-23 - Alter Ego Tyme Travel Experience:
All time periods on all worlds collide and cross this weekend! Come dressed in your Cogs, Goggles, as your favorite Super-hero, Character, or Toon! Join us at the Kingdom of Avaloch where "History Meets Mystery."

July 28-30 - Pirate Invasion:
Ahoy Matey - the Pirates are invading, the Pirates are invading! Join in the invasion in full pirate gear - Special Entertainment, Contests, Adventurous Music, and Seafaring Songs await!

August 4-5 - Celtic Celebration:
Share and show your Celtic pride by celebrating with our Pipers, Highland Games, Wondrous Music, Scottish Wares, Foods, Celtic Contests, Bonny Lasses, and Men in Kilts, Kilts, Kilts!! Ah Kilts...

August 11-12 - Barbarian vs. Romans:
Togas, Togas, and Fur-covered Barbarians! Come join the warriors as they charge the shire with their excitement and strength! Exciting Music, and contests for all our Gladiators and Warrior Women! Do you have the power?

Knight Commander - Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem 
Pontis Mori Quam Foedari - Deus Lo Vult!