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Started by Welsh Wench, May 12, 2008, 07:28:47 AM

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Welsh Wench

"Hallooo? It's Eli."
He took Marilla by the hand and led her to the kitchen. Mrs. Avery was taking scones out of the oven and Megan was sitting at the table with Dylan and Morwenna.
Megan looked up with a warm smile. "Hello, Eli. I see you brought a guest."
Eli said, "I'd like to introduce you to Megan Llewellyn and the infamous Mrs. Avery."
Mrs. Avery looked over. "What happened to your dress, missy?"
Marilla looked down,."I-I'm sorry. This is the only dress I have."
"And a poor one at that."
Marilla turned to Eli, "I don't think this is a good idea. I'd better leave."
Megan stood up and sized the girl up.
"You are small. But I think I may have a couple clothes here that may fit you. And for goodness sake's, let's get you some soap and water."
Mrs Avery looked at Megan and raised her eyebrow, nodding towards the door leading out of the kitchen. Megan took her cue and led Marilla upstairs, knowing that Eli would tell Mrs Avery the whole story.

He sat down at the table.
Mrs Avery bustled over with the warm scones and put one on a plate.
"OK, lad, tell me the whole story. You have never brought a stray here before."
Eli said a quick prayer and commenced, "She was an understudy cook at the Governor's mansion for---"
"Arabella Smith? The cook?"
"You know her?"
"Aye. She's in my parish. A good sort. What's the deal?"
"It seems the junior valet had bad intentions on Marilla—that's her name—and she ran away. I found her last night by my woodpile shivering in the rain. She fell asleep by my fire and I let her sleep. I got the story out of her this morning. Mrs. Avery, the young girl has nowhere to go. I was wondering...I mean, I was hoping..."
"That we could hire her on? Eli, that is not my call. We can always talk to--"

Just then Megan walked in with Marilla. Her face was scrubbed clean and she was wearing a dress that was slightly too big for her but was a sight better than the shreds she had been wearing. Marilla looked at Eli and beamed.
Megan looked at Mrs Avery. "I am going out on a limb here but I know my sister and she left me acting in her place. Mrs. Avery, let me introduce you to your understudy cook."

Mrs Avery gave Marilla a smile. "Welcome aboard, Missy."
She sat Marilla down and gave her a cup of hot chocolate while Dylan and Morwenna stared at her.
Megan reprimanded the children, "It's not nice to stare at people."
Morwenna took a bite of her scone and said, "But she's so pretty, Mama!'
Marilla found herself blushing.
Megan sat down at the table and handed Marilla a scone too.
"There is a small room off the third floor that will be suitable for Marilla. You will find a dresser, a nice soft bed and a few other things. But what about clothes and any personal effects you may have left behind, Marilla? Do you have things you need?"

Marilla looked down. "Not much. A few shifts of clothes and a couple chemises. I have a necklace that was my mother's that I kept in a small box."
She shook her head and extended her feet out. "Just these."

Megan frowned. "Those won't do. I think Rhiannon has a pair that were too small for her. I can get those for you. But I don't want to see your personal items just left behind. I know how much a necklace can mean."
Eli leaned back.
"I can go over to get your things."
Marilla was quick to reply. "Oh, no! I don't want Mr Atkins to know where I am. He will make trouble for me."

Eli stood up, finding his hands clenched. "He wouldn't dare. And there is no reason to deny you of your personal things."
Mrs Avery replied,. "All fine and noble of you, Eli, riding up on a white horse to save the lady fair. But you don't know what you are up against. And frankly, you are a bit on the slim side. What if this gent is bigger than you? We can't afford to have you---"

Just then the back door opened and in walked Josiah Briggs.
Megan smiled warmly. "How nice to see you, Josiah."
"I'm dropping off a few things from Renee that Mrs. Avery was collecting for the indigent at her church. There are a few dresses, still serviceable, that a few of the—girls--left behind when they moved on to their other pursuits in life."
Megan got up and took them out of Josiah's hands.
"These are very nice!"
Josiah sat down. "Well, Monique was opening a dress shop in Bridgetown and left these behind. Oh..hello!"
Megan smiled and said, "This is Marilla. We have just hired her on as an assistant for Mrs. Avery."
Josiah smiled at her. "Well, you are learning from the best."
Mrs Avery gently whacked him with a towel and said, "Go on with ye!"

Megan held up a dress. "My goodness, these look like they will fit Marilla!"
"Oh, Mrs. Llewellyn, there is no way I can take these. They were meant for the poor."
She looked down. "Not that I am not one of them..."
"Josiah, I will call on Renee later and explain the dresses went to a very worthy cause."

Mrs Avery stood back and surveyed Josiah. "Mr Briggs, ye be an imposing authoritative figure, if I do say so..."
Josiah laughed, "I did my time as captain on El Lobo.. But what are you getting at?"
"Eli here has to go to the Governor's mansion and pick up a few of Marilla's things. She cannot go herself as there are extenuating circumstances and frankly, Eli can use your brawn. On account of we like him and don't want to see him get twisted into a pretzel. Would you be so kind as to accompany him?"
"I'll do it on one condition."
"What's that?"
"Pass me one of those scones."

Eli stood up to go with Josiah.
"Marilla, who shall I ask for?"
Marilla looked up, a streak of flour on her face. "That would be Bonnie. She shared a room with me so she will let you in."
"And what shall we take?"
Marilla said shyly, "A few of my clothes. They aren't much but they are all I own. They are in the top two drawers of the chest of drawers. And under all of them, you will find an ivory hairbrush and in a small box, a necklace with a topaz pendant. It was a gift from my parents on my eleventh birthday. It was the last..." her voice trailed off.
"Don't you worry, Marilla," Josiah said. "Your personal effects are as good as returned to you. Come, Eli. And don't make me go all strong-arm on you. You just let me do all the talking."
"But, Captain Briggs..."
"Shush or I keep you here with the women. Understood?"
"Yes, sir," Eli said meekly.

As they got a few horses, Josiah swung himself up and said to Eli, "I know you fancy the lass and want to make a good impression, but this calls for a firm hand and a cool head. And maybe a look or two to let them know we mean business."
"I don't fancy her! I just want to help her. She—well, she doesn't have any support and I know how it feels to not have anyone stand up for you. At least I did till Honour helped me. So...this is paying it forward."
Josiah turned his head to hide his grin. "Aye, lad. I understand."
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Welsh Wench

Within fifteen minutes, they pulled their horses up to the Governor's mansion. They tied their horses to the fancy hitching posts and walked up to the front door.
Josiah knocked firmly and the butler opened the door.
"Are you expected?"
Eli blurted out, "To do what?"
Josiah waved him back. "We are here to see one of your maid. I believe her name is Bonnie. We have a private message for her. From one of her kin."
"And what is that message I will pass on?"
"I said it is private."
Eli peered from behind. "Yeah. What HE said."
The butler stiffly bowed. "You shall be so kind as to wait here and I will get the maid."
Eli looked around. "Blimey, I never have been in here. Would you look at all this glitz?"
Josiah glanced. "Window dressing. According to Jack, it is a facade and the Gov is as indebted to everyone."

"You came with a personal message for me?" The maid was a buxom girl a few years older than Marilla but with an air of self-confidence."
"Aye. I am Josiah Briggs and this is Eli Meredith. But our message is of utmost confidence that I would prefer—well, can we step outside onto the portico?"
"I guess that would be alright. But I warn you, the kitchen maids are looking out the window. So if you try any funny business..."

The three of them walked a bit away from the door. Josiah smiled kindly. "I am afraid it was a ruse to get you here to talk to you privately. You shared a room with Marilla Thompson?"
She nodded, "Aye. Do you have any idea of her whereabouts? She has been missing since yesterday and I be worried sick! Where is she? Is she alright?"
Eli stepped in. "She is safe. I am not at liberty to tell you where she is at the moment but she asked us to pick up her personal effects. Two drawers of garments, a hairbrush and a small box."
Bonnie looked around. "I suppose I could get them for you."
Eli produced a duffel bag. "If you would be so kind as to put her articles in here, we shall make sure she gets them. I will even sign a receipt that we are responsible for them."
"Naw, it won't be necessary. I trust you. She must have told you if you know about the two drawers."
Bonnie took the bag. "Wait right here and give me fifteen minutes."
With that she scampered off.

Bonnie returned in ten minutes. "Here. This is all that was in the drawers."
"Thank you, Bonnie. Please let me assure you Marilla is fine and I am sure she will be in touch with you real soon," Briggs said.
Eli looked back. "Bonnie? What is the name of the junior valet?"
"Oh, him?" she wrinkled her nose. "His name is James. James Ridley."
"Thanks, Bonnie. Would you be so kind as to fetch him so we may have a word with him?"
"It would be my pleasure!"

Five minutes later, Josiah and Eli were confronted on the portico. James Ridley was a tall, strapping young man wearing the garb that left no doubt as to the position in the governor's house.
"You wanted to see me? On what matter I have absolutely no idea of what," he said haughtily.
Eli stood as tall as he could, his lanky frame drawing up.
"Are you acquainted with a Miss Marilla Thompson?"
Ridley's face showed derision. "Are you kin of hers?"
Eli shook his head. "No, just friends."
"A cheap piece of baggage, that one."
Eli's face showed controlled anger as Josiah moved to step up and lay his hand on Eli's arm.
But Eli fought the urge and said calmly, "I have a message from her."

With that Eli brought his fist up and landed it squarely on Ridley's face.
Josiah drew him back. "Eli, you hadn't ought to have done that."
Eli rubbed his knuckles and retorted, "He had it coming."
Ridley stood there and rubbed his face, moving his jaw to test to see if it was broken.
"I'll have you in jail for that! That is assault!"

Josiah stood next to Ridley and then turned to Eli.
"Yes, Eli, you hadn't ought to have done that. You should have done THIS!"
Josiah drew his knee back and drove it into Ridley's groin.
Ridley fell down like a ton of bricks and Josiah picked him up by his lapels, putting his face right into Ridley's.
"Miss Thompson is under the personal protection of one of the most powerful men in this town. If we ever—EVER--hear of any threats of repercussions on her or if you ever make another blackmail attempt on any of the female servants to serve your own lewd intentions, we WILL be back. And you won't be the better for it."
Josiah took his hands off Ridley's jacket and he fell to the ground, curled up in a little ball and moaning in pain.
"Come, Eli. We mustn't be late for lunch."

As they mounted their horses, Bonnie ran over to them.
"Oh, I would have paid to see that!"
Josiah tipped his hat and Eli said, "Miss Bonnie, if there is any more trouble, please send word to the establishment of Captain Jack Wolfe and we will right the situation."
"Captain Wolfe? MAD Jack Wolfe?" Bonnie said with her mouth open.
"Aye. And if there is any more trouble, he won't just be mad. He will be furious! You take care of yourself and the girls who work here."
She gave them a grin. "I certainly shall. But...can you please tell me where Marilla is?"
Eli and Josiah looked at each other and Eli said quietly, "Marilla is now an understudy cook at the Wolfe estate."
"Wonderful! Please give her my best!"
"We shall and if there is trouble again, don't hesitate to come to the estate and see any of us."
She stood back and blew them a kiss.
"I feel better already."
With that she flounced back into the house.
But not before stepping over the prone figure of Ridley and 'accidently' stepping on his hand.
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Welsh Wench

Josiah and Eli rode in silence back to the Wolfe house.
"Josiah, do you think Ridley will try to look for Marilla?"
"No. He probably forgot about her until you landed that punch clear on his smacker."
"I hope Bonnie keeps us informed if there is any more trouble with him."
"She will. That girl is a feisty one. And I think she would take delight in bringing that valet down a peg or two."
Eli patted the duffel. "I am sure Marilla—I mean Miss Thompson—will be glad to get her personal effects back."
"As meager as they probably are. But Megan will see that she has decent clothes. And now she has a room of her own."
Eli's face coloured. "She's a fine-looking woman."
Josiah glanced sideways at Eli. "That she is. Eli, let me give you some advice. If you fancy the girl, don't rush into anything. She's a squirrel."
"What? A squirrel?"
Josiah explained, "If you want a squirrel to come to you, you don't rush over to it. And you don't throw peanuts at it. You extend your hand gently and get down on its level. You talk softly and let it gain trust in you."
"Oh. Like you did with Miss Renee?" Eli laughed.
Josiah smiled. "Yes. Except I was the squirrel!"

Josiah and Eli stabled the horses and headed up to the main house. Marilla was watching outside and rushed out to meet them.
"Did you have any problems? Were you able to get my things?"
Eli handed her the duffel and she opened it.
"Oh! My hairbrush and the box with my necklace are in there! Wonderful!"
She glanced down at the dress she was wearing. "This is probably the finest dress I have ever had."
Behind Marilla, Megan came outside. "Well, we can't have an understudy cook who only has a couple dresses and an apron. Tomorrow I will take Marilla out to the market and we can look to see she has fabric for a few dresses."
Marilla's eyes were shining. "Oh, Mrs Llewellyn! You are too kind to me!"
Megan's eyes took on a faraway look. "Yes, well, I know of a young girl who ran away with just the clothes on her back practically. Someone looked out for her and kept her safe. It is the least we can do for you."
Josiah added, "Miss Marilla, you are under the protection of Captain Jack Wolfe and no one will be allowed to touch you. This household takes care of what is their own. Why, look at Eli!"

Eli smiled shyly. "I'll tell you all about it some day, Miss Marilla. But here!'
Eli produced a bouquet of wildflowers and handed them to her.
"Oh, Eli! I've never had anyone bring me flowers before!" She sniffed them appreciatively and touched his arm gently.
"Thank you!"
She turned to go into the house with Megan, Eli's eyes following her.
Josiah shook his head. "I figured right. He's smitten!"


"No, poppet, you roll out the dough like THIS! If you overwork the dough, it will be flattened and won't rise."
Marilla stood there with the rolling pin in her hand, her hair up in a bun and tendrils coming down around her face. There were streaks of flour on her face and down her apron.
"You mean like this?"
"Yes! Now you are getting it!"
Megan entered the kitchen.
"How's it going?"
Mrs. Avery shook her head. "Aye, we have a lot to learn but she's a willing student."
Marilla pushed her hair back with the heel of her hand and sighed.
"I'm so sorry for being a slow learner."
"Hush, girl! You are only fifteen. It takes time and I am the best teacher you can have."
Megan poured herself a cup of coffee.
"Did you sleep well, Marilla?"
"Oh, yes! Probably the best night's sleep I ever had and in a room of my own!" Her eyes were shining.
Mrs. Avery poured a cup of coffee for herself and got Marilla a glass of milk.
"Time we took a break. That dough needs to rise and these feet of mine need to rest!"
The three sat down at the table.
Marilla said quietly to Megan, "Mrs. Llewellyn, do you believe in fate?"
"How do you mean, dear?"
"Well, maybe I was meant to be near the woodpile at Mr Meredith's and maybe his dog was meant to growl at me. If he hadn't found me, I don't know where I would have ended up. I am too young to work in a tavern except to clean dishes. And another household may have even been worse than the Governor's. Lots of times I would have to pick up after that son of his—Tristan—who would always lthrow things if he didn't get his way. A right nasty man—oh! I probably shouldn't have said anything!"
Megan patted her hand. "Your secret is safe with us."

Just then, Eli walked in. In his hands were a bunch of flowers, lilies of the valley mixed in with a few roses.

Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Captain Jack Wolfe

Jack tied up the pony he had borrowed from Flannery to a post just outside the harbour master's office. He cast his gaze around the wharf, pausing to admire El Lobo tied up there. Then it struck him. How very quiet it was.

In the Caribbean, the wharves, docks, and quays would have been teeming with activity. A melange of languages being shouted or joined in work shanties, music, hammering, a whole host of lively sounds. But here... it suddenly felt alien. As much as he enjoyed reconnecting with his Scottish family, Jack knew that Honour was right. It was time to go home to Barbados. Besides, they have another baby on the way!

He paused at the harbour master's door.
"Bollocks. The last thing I feel like dealing with is some jumped-up clerk. I'll let Davis sort out any fees. I'm still on holiday. Captain's prerogative, eh?"

He walked briskly towards the gangplank of El Lobo, happy that she looked ready to sail. His approach caught Davis' eye.
"And who might that be approaching my ship with obvious intent to board?" Davis shouted.
"Captain Jack Wolfe, master of this vessel and your employer, if memory serves!"
"Well, why didn't you say so? Welcome aboard, Second Cook's Mate Wolfe! It's high time you showed your scurvy face!"

Jack jogged up the gangplank and greeted his second officer warmly.
"Welcome aboard, Captain! I'm sure you'll want to inspect her straight away."
"No need, my friend. I know you've taken good care of her. That said, is there anything unusual to report?"
"Naught but a disturbance in the surgery. I was just about to look into it."
Jack straightened his waistcoat. "No, That's fine. I'll handle this myself. Thank you, Davis. I'll shout if I need help."
"I'll be here if you need me," said Davis with a mischievous smile.

Jack cautiously worked his way below deck. As he moved down the companionway, he heard rustling in the surgery. Muttering, the clinking of bottles, the soft creak of cupboard hinges. He paused outside the doorway, pulled back his frock coat and moved his hand to his pistol. After a deep breath, he rounded the door to confront the intruder.

"Stop what you're -"
"Heavens, me. Jack!"
"You were expecting Charles II? Of course, it's me. Who else would be trying to set your infirmary aright?"
"Sod the infirmary, what are you doing here? I'm so happy to see you!"

Duckie bought out two glasses and a bottle of his finest brandy. "It's a rather long story."
"It usually is with you. Do, tell away."
Duckie poured the drinks. "You know how I maddened you with my collecting plant specimens on nearly every expedition?"
"How can I forget? Even with enraged Spaniards or natives bearing down on us, you had to get your cuttings. But, to be fair, your medicines saved our men far more often than not."
"And that's why the Royal College at Edinburgh invited me!" said Duckie. "Rose sent copies of my letters to her to the university--"
"Wait, Rose?"
"It'll get to that later. She sent copies to the university, and they were intrigued enough to have me come and give seminars on alternative ways of healing. I jumped at the chance, naturally."
"As well you should. So then, you came here, how?"
"Oh, not so straightforward as that. Included was an invitation to visit Rose, which I did to pay thanks."
"I'll assume she's well, then?"
"Much more than that, my friend," said Duckie. "Let me freshen up your drink."

Duckie went on to tell Jack about how Rose found love and, more importantly, fulfilment with a sheep farmer.
"You're telling me that your sister, Rose, is happy tending sheep?"
"Tending, shearing. Deliriously so. I've never seen her so happy."
"Blimey. Now I've heard everything. Well, good for her! Honestly, I'm glad to hear she's found her joy. Honour will be glad, I'm sure."
Duckie polished off his third glass. "Jack, what's bothering you?"
"I don't know what you mean."
"You've gone posh. You only go posh when something is eating at you."
"It's that obvious, is it?"

Jack took a long sip of his drink. "First off, I'm so glad you're here! But we need to set sail, and soon."
"Not the usual trouble, is it?"
"Not as much. Let me boil it all down for you... "

Jack relayed the failed quest for the Stone of Scone, the uneasy truce with the Campbells bolstered by the Armstrongs, and Thomas' impending marriage.
"Your Thomas, the Admiral himself, marrying something other than a three-masted warship. Now there's something worth celebrating! I'm delighted I'll be able to witness it for myself."
"There's one more thing, Ducks."
"There always is. Come on, out with it."
"I'm happiest of all to see you because Honour is pregnant. Knowing you're aboard for the voyage home eases my mind."
Duckie chuckled. "Now that is truly worth celebrating! Rest assured, I'll watch over her like the Archangel Michael himself. But assure me there will be no rows this time? I was denied the privilege of bringing Zara into this world. I shan't be deprived again."
"Not a chance, my friend," said Jack as they clinked glasses.
"Right!" said Duckie before knocking back the rest of his drink. "Give me a few minutes to finish tidying up around here, and then I can meet this delightful family of yours."
"I'm not sure about people anymore. They're responsible for some pretty nutty stuff. Individuals I'm crazy about, though." ~ Opus

Captain Jack Wolfe

Roughly an hour - and a few more drinks - later, Jack and Duckie arrived at Aggie's house, with the pony in tow. The doctor paused to admire the varied stonework of the house, with its thatched roof and lovingly tended gardens. Smoke curled from the big chimney, perfumed with the scent of cooking.

"What a grand house! But tell me; why did you ride a pony to the shipyard when it's a relatively short walk?" said Duckie.
"Speed, for the most part," said Jack. "I wanted to see that the ship was being made ready."
"And the other?"
"Worry was getting the better of me. It's not always a good idea to be alone with one's thoughts for too long."
Duckie nodded. "Well, we'll have plenty of time to talk about that. Shall we?"

Jack opened the door to find the usual preparatory bustle of a MacGregor family meal in full swing.
"There ye be!" said Maura. "Laura was ready to send a search party."
"That was your idea!" protested Laura. "Or was it both of us?" she added with a mischievous laugh.
"You must be Maura and Laura," said Duckie. "I've heard so many good things about you. My name is Drake, but you may call me Duckie. Everyone does. It's a pleasure to meet you both."
"Jack, ye dinna tell us he was so handsome!" said Laura.
"I saw him first!" said Maura.
"Ladies, please!" interrupted Jack. "Duckie, may I introduce Rafferty and Flannery, Maura's and Laura's husbands. Not necessarily in that order."

"A pleasure!" said Raftery, offering a strong handshake. "We've heard great things about ye as well. If not for ye and Honour, Jack wouldna be among us."
"High praise, indeed," said Duckie. "But Jack is a hard one to kill."
"I'm Flannery. A pleasure to meet ye, Duckie. Jack couldna offer higher praise of any man." He turned to his brother. "There goes our leftovers, eh what!"
"Flannery MacGregor, haud yer wheesht! I taught ye better manners, don't make me pound 'em back into ye in front of company!"

Jack intervened. "And this, my friend, is our matriarch and constant star, Aggie MacGregor."
Aggie wiped her hands on her apron and took Duckie's hands in hers. "Doctor Gander! Welcome to my simple home. Ye are always welcome at this table as family."
"Please, call me Duckie! And I appreciate the sentiment, but --"
"Nonsense! Anyone who has saved my Jackie from himself is an honoured guest in my house."
"Well, I'm flattered! But..."

Honour hugged Duckie and kissed him on the cheek. "We're an exclusive club, you and I. How good it is to see you again!"
"And me! Unca Duckie!" shouted Zara.
"Zara!" cried Duckie as he swept her up in his arms. "My little angel, how good to see you!"
"I know about kelpies," she whispered loudly into his ear.
"Then you must tell me absolutely everything about them," he whispered at equal volume.
"I'm not sure about people anymore. They're responsible for some pretty nutty stuff. Individuals I'm crazy about, though." ~ Opus