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In search of a photographer

Started by stonebiscuit, April 05, 2010, 09:23:51 AM

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Greetings, Texans!

I'm a street performer from the far off state of Georgia, and I'll be guest performing at Scarborough on opening weekend. Assuming the sewing doesn't kill me, I'll have a brand new costume, and am hoping to get some good pictures for publicity (also my own vanity, but mostly publicity  :D ). I know from years of trying that it's not always easy to find the pictures I know people take. If any of you photographers (or even videographers!) will already be at the faire and would be willing to assist in my quest for portfolio goodness, I'd love to chat with you a bit and see if we can work something out. I'd only need a few moments of your day and a business card or some other way to contact you to get the shots, and I will of course compensate you as you think proper.

I really look forward to seeing your faire; I've heard great things about it!

(Mods: if this isn't within the purview of the forums, I apologize)


Give me some idea what to look for and I will see what I can manage.


We'll look forward to seeing you out there! As Paul mentioned, let us know who to look for and where to find you.

You can see Paul's fine work on his site and there are numerous other folks out here that take photos and post them as well. Check back here as there will be a Scarby 2010 Photo thread pinned to the top of the forum for RFers to post links to their photos.


Hi Paul and Nicolas,

Thanks for your responses! Unfortunately, personal issues have forced me to push my trip back a week, to the weekend of the 17th and 18th. If any of you will be there that weekend, here's what to look for: I'm Esperanza da le Noche, a tall woman who will be wearing mostly men's attire in black velvet with gold accents. Typically I carry a 3'X5' Cross of Burgundy flag, and wear a cape with said flag on it. I do tend to be more stationary, generally sitting on the ground to play toy soldiers with kids, but I don't yet know what area I'll be in--I've never been to the site. I will definitely let you know when I get a better idea. I do have pictures from previous getup that will give an approximation of what to look for, if desired.

I really do look forward to seeing Scarborough! I'm sorry I had to push back my trip, but the day job interferes.


I'm sure at least one of us with faerie boxes will spot you in that garb so no worries.. :)
Reaper the Grimm / Trool the Troll
IBRSC #1150 / Ren Merc #858
Clan McLotofus


If, for some reason, you don't manage to hook up with any of the many photographers that are out there, you may consider going through the thread that is sticky-noted at the top of the Scarborough board.  It will be entitled something along the lines of "Official Photo Thread 2010" and most of the photographers will be posting links to their photo sites there.  Several have already done so. :)
I am not an employee of Scarborough Faire and to not represent them in any way.


I believe you were the subject of more than one picture I got this last weekend

Have fun going through and finding them <grin>!